What’s On in August

to 28th Aug “Sea”

An Exhibition by the prestigious Royal Scottish Academy on the “Sea” theme as most appropriate for this area, from all Scottish artists, mainly 20th century. Curated by COAST.   17 works of art in a variety of media are on display; some works will be for sale. Not to be missed. Cost included in normal admission.


throughout Aug “Rembrandt etching”

A unique ink etching taken from a copperplate believed to have been made by Rembrandt in 1633. It is the only known copy to have been printed in red ink; made at some time after Rembrandt’s death. The subject is preacher Jan CornelisSylvius, the year before he became Rembrandt’s father-in-law. The copperplate is not in existence anymore. Well worth seeing. Cost included in normal admission.


Sun 21st Aug 2-4pm Croquet on the lawns

Every 3rd Sunday during the summer FoDH continue their popular free croquet afternoons. Everyone is welcome to come for a game, a little bit of competitiveness and a lot of fun. Croquet is an easy game that all abilities and ages can enjoy – against the magnificent backdrop of a really grand Georgian house.


Wed 24th Aug Rembrandt talk by Tico Seifert

The unique etching already described had lain in the Scottish National Gallery Print Room for a long time and only recently came to light. The Senior Curator of Northern European Art for the Scottish National Gallery will give a talk and insights into the story of the etching and it’s discovery. Talk entrance free for members of FoDH, included in House admission (incl members of Historic Scotland and English Heritage), or on payment of a nominal charge. Talk starts at 2pm in the Grand Salon for about an hour. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and inspect the etching.


Coming soon

Coming up early in September is some art not usually seen in Duff House – by Japanese Artist Atsuo Hukuda; expecting this to stretch imaginations 1

And a reminder about Wed 12th Oct, Dolphins, Tulips and Napoleon.  Short talks by world experts about some of the artefacts in the House, aimed at everyone.  Just £10 for the whole day including lunch tea and coffee.  Best to book your place now (as limited numbers) by copying this url into your web-browser:  https://tickets.historic-scotland.gov.uk/webstore/shop/ViewItems.aspx?CG=hscg&C=duffhousestudyday

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