About Us
The Friends of Duff House was formed in 1997.
We are very honoured to have as our Patron His Grace the 4th Duke of Fife, whose ancestors built Duff house in 1740 and subsequently gifted the House to the people of Banff and Macduff in 1906.
The House is owned and run by Historic Scotland and mostly furnished by the National Galleries of Scotland.
Apart from containing magnificent paintings, fine pieces of furniture and other artefacts, the house has a shop, tearoom and exhibition spaces for changing displays, talks and public performances of music, demonstrations and lectures.
The Friends’ group was founded to support the House, to assist in arranging events, and, where possible, to supply financial assistance to enhance the benefits to the public provided by Duff House.
Members of Friends of Duff House:
- receive regular Newsletters; and
- free entry to a minimum of 16 Talks during the Spring and Autumn (Thurs afternoons at 2pm for about an hour, schedule as published from time to time);
- and with an email address a copy of the monthly “What’s On at Duff House” sheet.
FoDH is a membership organisation. Membership technically runs from 1st Jan to 31st Dec, and as of the 2022 AGM the members have voted that the annual membership fee, for the time being, will be set as zero. All existing members remain members unless they specifically advise they wish not to be, and new members can join by completing a form available at Duff House, or by contacting Friends of Duff House either on:
email: friendsofduffhouse@gmail.com
or by writing to FoDH c/o Duff House, Banff AB45 3SX